Regenerate health 10 times faster for 60 seconds. Regenerate 25% of the character's maximum magicka per second for 60 seconds. These powers can be used by the Dragonborn only once per day, unless otherwise specified. The following table holds all of the basic spells for each race. For example, Bretons start at level 25 Conjuration as they are naturally skilled at it. Skills can be improved to a primary group.Įvery race has their own unique skill which they excel at and will start at level 25 with that particular skill.
Values of 25 indicate this is a primary skill of the race. Values of 20 indicate this is a favored skill of the race. The higher the number (over the base level of 15) the better.
The following table shows the starting skill statistics for each race. Tamriel is the home of all the ten main races, each occupying a different portion of the continent.